18577 Natchez Avenue
Prior Lake, Minnesota, 55372
Phone: 952-435-8387
Fax: 952-435-8777
Email: vets@clvets.com
An endoscope is a fiber optic scope that allows visualization of internal body anatomy. It is flexible and can be maneuvered in small areas. Cleary Lake Veterinary Hospital has a 3-meter video endoscope and a 1-meter endoscope.
Endoscopy can be used for visualizing the following internal structures:
1) Upper Respiratory Examination: Used to diagnose problems such as “roarers” (Laryngeal hemiplegia), Dorsal displacement of the soft palate (DDSP) or guttural pouch infections. With endoscopy you can visualize the upper airway passages.
2) Tracheal Examination: Used to examine the trachea, and assist in tracheal washes, or bronchial alveolar lavages. Also used to examine horses that have Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage (EIPH).
3) Esophageal Examination: Used to examine the esophagus. Commonly utilized in choke cases to monitor progression, the location of the choke in the esophagus, and the healing process for any complications.
4) Stomach Examination: Equine ulcers can be definitively diagnosed by scoping the stomach, and visualizing and defects in the stomach lining.
Normal Equine stomach lining. Here you can see the two different types of linings, the light pink and the red. The line you see of light pink to a red color is called the Margo Plicatum. This is a common place for ulcers.
5) Bladder: Can visualize any stones, bleeding from the ureters from the kidneys, or masses.
6) Uterus: Can visualize the mare’s uterus. Artificial insemination can be endoscopically guided, as well as evaluating general uterine and cervical health.
7) Stallion: Can evaluate urethral health.
Using the endoscope for treatments of uterine cysts, guttural pouch infections and foreign body removal can be preformed under a light general standing anesthesia.