18577 Natchez Avenue
Prior Lake, Minnesota, 55372
Phone: 952-435-8387
Fax: 952-435-8777
Email: vets@clvets.com
Cleary Lake Veterinary Hospital has now added digital radiology to provide the highest quality of x-ray for medical diagnostics. Digital radiology is a new state-of-the-art technology for veterinary medicine. Digital radiography produces a highly-refined image which is useful for evaluating both orthopedic and soft-tissue problems. The images can be digitally enlarged and enhanced to reveal problems that cannot be identified using the less advanced imaging of traditional x-ray technologies.
The images taken from digital radiography can be stored in a variety of media and formats. The are archived and your horses medical records are available with your password electronically throughout the world over the internet, by simply using your web browser to view the images.
This new technology allows for a decreased waiting time because there is no developing time. Each x-ray can be taken and viewed in less than 2 minutes. Immediate retakes can be preformed if necessary.
Although we have added digital radiology, we still offer on farm radiology capabilities with traditional x-ray units.