18577 Natchez Avenue
Prior Lake, Minnesota, 55372

Phone: 952-435-8387

Fax: 952-435-8777

Email: vets@clvets.com


We can also collect samples to send to referral labs for additional testing including:

  • Allergy testing

  • Drug testing

  • Equine Herpes Virus

  • EHV-1 routinely causes upper respiratory infection in young horses (weaning, yearlings, and 2 year olds) resulting in depression, a snotty nose, loss of appetite, and a persistent cough. If a number of young horses are housed or pastured together, most will become sick and then recover uneventfully.

    Pregnant mares that become infected often abort their foals late in gestation, deliver stillborn foals or weak foals that die within days of birth. In rare instances, adult horses experience the respiratory form of EHV-1 and then develop the neurological form of the disease.

    Neurological symptoms include incoordination that can progress to the inability to stand, lower leg swelling, the inability to urinate or pass manure, urine dribbling, and reduced tail tone. Some of these symptoms also occur in other neurological diseases such as rabies, EPM, and West Nile Virus infections, so it is important that the animals be examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Because EHV-1 is a virus, it does not respond to antibiotics.

    Therefore, supportive treatment is the only option and is tailored to the individual patient and guided by the severity and range of clinical signs. It usually includes anti-inflammatory drugs, fluids to maintain hydration, and slinging of horses that are unable to stand.

    In most cases, horses that remain standing have a good prognosis, although recovery may take weeks or months. Horses that go down and are unable to stand have a poor prognosis.

  • Equine Influenza Virus

  • EPM (Equine Protozoal Myelitis)

  • EPM is a neurological disease of horses caused by the parasite Sarcocystis neurona. Horses become infected by ingesting the parasite from opossum feces deposited in hay, grain, or grass.

  • EVA (Equine Viral Arteritis)

  • Histopathology

  • HYPP

  • Insulin

  • Lethal White

  • Potomac Horse Fever

  • Progesterone

  • PSSM (Polysaccharide Storage Myopath

  • Rhodococcus

  • Rotavirus

  • Uterine biopsy