18577 Natchez Avenue
Prior Lake, Minnesota, 55372

Phone: 952-435-8387

Fax: 952-435-8777

Email: vets@clvets.com


Emergency Services

We know that emergencies can be a stressful time for you, so we will do our best to help make the process easier for you and your pet.

In the event of an emergency, please contact us at 952-435-8387.

Please call us at 952-435-8387 if you have an emergency, and we will do our best to help you through this frightening and stressful time. Emergencies can be a terrible experience for pets and pet owners, so we promise to communicate with you and make the process less stressful.

We also offer emergency surgery as well as critical care. Please attempt to call ahead in case of an emergency to alert us to the situation and allow us to prepare.

When Cleary Lake Veterinary Hospital is closed, there are several well qualified small animal emergency facilities in the metro area.

South Metro Animal Emergency Care

Phone: 952.953.3737
Address: 14690 Pennock Avenue, Apple Valley, 55124

Affiliated Emergency Veterinary Service

Blaine Clinic
Phone: 763.754.5000
Address: 11850 Aberdeen St. NE, Blaine, 55449

Coon Rapids Clinic
Phone: 763.754.9434
Address:1615 Coon Rapids Blvd, Coon Rapids, 55423

Eden Prairie Hospital
Phone: 952.942.8272
Address: 7717 Flying Cloud Dr. Eden Prairie, 55344

Golden Valley Clinic
Phone: 763.529.6560
Address: 4708 Hwy 55, Golden Valley, 55422

University of Minnesota – Veterinary Medical Center

Phone:: 612.6268387
Address: 1365 Gorter Ave, St. Paul, 55108