18577 Natchez Avenue
Prior Lake, Minnesota, 55372

Phone: 952-435-8387

Fax: 952-435-8777

Email: vets@clvets.com


CBC (Complete Blood Count)

Screens for anemia, dehydration, inflammation, infection, leukemia, and clotting abilities.

What does it mean?

  • PCV (Packed Cell Volume): Provides information on the amount of red blood cells present in the blood. A low PCV indicates anemia (low red blood cells) and a high PCV can indicate dehydration.

  • TP (Total Protein): The level of TP can indicate a variety of conditions, including dehydration and diseases of the liver, kidney or intestine.

  • FIB (Fibrinogen): Elevations in the blood are nonspecific indicators of inflammatory disease.

  • PLT (Platelets): Low platelet numbers can indicate a clotting concern or infectious diseases (tick-borne).

  • WBC (White Blood Cell Count): The WBC can indicate leukemia, stress, inflammation or an inability to fight infection.

  • Morphology: Examining the white blood cells under a microscope can provide information on the type of anemia or inflammation, or other abnormalities, such as leukemia as well as note the presence of blood parasites.