18577 Natchez Avenue
Prior Lake, Minnesota, 55372

Phone: 952-435-8387

Fax: 952-435-8777

Email: vets@clvets.com


Heartworm Disease

A parasitic infection that is spread by mosquitoes from infected dogs to non-infected dogs. The heartworm microfilariae accumulate in the mosquito during a meal from an infected dog. The heartworm then develops in the mosquito and can be injected into a non-infected dog where, in 6 months, they develop into adult heartworms. The adult heartworms lodge in the right atrium, right ventricle, right ventricular outflow tract, pulmonary arteries and vena cava and cause right- sided heart failure.

Symptoms include:

  • No signs at first

  • Mild, to persistent cough – usually at night while sleeping

  • Reluctance to move or exercise

  • Tiredness after moderate exercise

  • Weight loss

  • If left untreated it can lead to:
  • Heart failure

  • Lung disease

  • Sudden death

  • There is a monthly preventative and it can also be treated based on the severity of the disease. We recommend your dog be tested annually and strongly encourage year-round preventative.

    In 2017, of 1237 patients tested, 6 were positive at our hospital.

    Click here for more information on heartworm disease