18577 Natchez Avenue
Prior Lake, Minnesota, 55372
Phone: 952-435-8387
Fax: 952-435-8777
Email: vets@clvets.com
ALB (Albumin): Is responsible for regulating the amount of water in the blood stream. It is produced in the highest amount in the liver. A decrease in the albumin levels may signal severe kidney disease but may also be present in conditions such as liver disease, intestinal disease, malnutrition, or severe burns.
ALKP (Alkaline Phosphatase): Is found in many body tissues. ALKP is elevated in liver disease, Cushing’s syndrome, steroid therapy and bone diseases.
ALT/SGPT (Alanine Aminotransferase): Significant elevations of the serum levels of ALT are a specific indicator of liver damage in dogs and cats.
AMYL (Amylase): An enzyme that is found in the pancreas. Measurement of serum amylase activity is an important diagnostic test for acute pancreatitis and acute attacks of chronic pancreatitis.
AST/SGOT (Aspartate Aminotransferase): Is present in many tissues and body fluids. AST is elevated when damage to tissue cells, especially of the heart and liver, causes a release of the enzyme. AST values are also increased in some muscle diseases.
CA (Calcium): Is an essential element that is involved in many body systems. The principal reason for performing the test is as an indicator of certain neoplasias, bone disease, parathyroid disease and eclampsia.
CHOL (Cholesterol): The levels are measured as an indicator of liver disease or thyroid activity.
CK (Creatine Kinase): Is found at high activity only in the cytoplasm of cardiac and skeletal muscle. The most common abnormality indicated by the test is skeletal muscle lesions brought about by trauma of vigorous exercise.
CREA (Creatinine): Is formed in the muscle in relatively small amounts, passes into the blood stream and is excreted in the urine. Elevated levels can indicate kidney disease, urinary tract obstruction or dehydration.
GGT (Gamma-glutamyltransferase): Principal reason for running this test is liver function.
GLU (Glucose): Is the principal source of energy. High levels can indicate diabetes mellitus. Low levels can indicate liver disease, infection or certain tumors.
LDH (Lactate Dehyrogenase): The principal reason for performing this test is to investigate damage to liver, cardiac or skeletal muscle.
LIPA (Lipase): Used as an indicator of acute pancreatitis and acute necrotic pancreatitis.
PHOS (Phosphorous): This test is used as an indicator of the severity of renal disease and gastroenteritis.
TBIL (Total Bilirubin): The principal reason for performing this test is to detect obstructive liver disease.
TP (Total Protein): The most common abnormality indicated by this test is impaired kidney and liver function, dehydration and gastrointestinal lesions.
BUN/UREA (Blood Urea Nitrogen): Is produced by the liver and excreted by the kidneys. High levels can indicate kidney disease or dehydration, and low levels can indicate liver disease.